Request forms

Request forms are scanned in. Markings should therefore ideally be made using pencil or ballpoint pen.

All forms are available for download. They can also be completed on the computer and then printed out.

You also have the option of placing an electronic order through OpenMedical.

For further information about OpenMedical, please contact our office 044 269 99 04



Dear customers

The Noll request forms have been discontinued.

Consequently, our reports will have the letter H (instead of N) in front of the case number.

As a replacement for the Noll order forms, the order forms shown below are available to you with immediate effect.

Forms (german)

21 Extragenitale Zytologie

20 Gynäkologische Zytologie

22 Histologie

32 Molekularpathologie

23 Anmeldung zur Feinnadelpunktion

29 Dermatopathologie

27 Hämatopathologie

24 Histologie Prostatabiopsie

25 Neuropathologie

26 Schnellschnitt

28 Histologie HNO

30 Magen-Darm-Trakt

33 Feinnadelpunktion HNO

34 Zahnarzt

35 Telomere Lenght Measurement (EN)

39 Anogenitale Zytologie

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