Prof. Walter Fassbender, Leitung Medizin - medica

ProfWalter Fassbender

FMH Internal Medicine
FMH Endocrinology/Diabetology
FMH Gastroenterology
FAMH Clinical Chemistry

Walter Fassbender has been with MEDICA since 2014. As Chief Medical Officer he is responsible for the medical quality of our analytics. He is responsible for the representation of MEDICA in the professional association FAMH and the training of our medical and academic staff. He worked for 20 years in university clinics as a laboratory manager, specialist in internal medicine, endocrinology, diabetology and gastroenterology. He received his doctorate and habilitation in the fields of microbiology and clinical chemistry / molecular biology. His master's degree in the management of healthcare organizations rounds off his qualifications.

044 269 99 57       




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